3 Pillars of the Campaign

  • Forge strong partnerships with the Athens-Clarke County Police Department to promote trust and collaboration between law enforcement and our community.

    Prioritize citizen concerns through active engagement and regular community meetings to address safety issues.

    Collaborate with constituents, the Clarke County School District, and other government entities to develop a unified approach to community safety.

  • Advocate for pedestrian-friendly walkways, bike lanes, and improved public transportation to enhance mobility and connectivity.

    Champion future SPLOST funding initiatives to address transportation challenges in our district.

    Implement elements of the Fair Housing Act to facilitate affordable housing options in District 6.

  • Revitalize underutilized infrastructure to support small businesses and foster economic prosperity in our community.

    Support initiatives that promote the interests of local businesses in current and future economic development and growth plans.

    Strengthen our community and business relationships with new industries that will keep us competitive and allow us to maintain opportunities for local families to stay, work, and play in District 6.